Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Dear all,

Yes, I know it has been a long time since I've updated.

And no, I'm not dead. I've been infected by a dangerous disease that terrorizes mankind even till today, it is known as, PROCASTRINATION!!

According to Wikipedia,
Procastrination is the deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often site this human behaviour as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision.

Anyway, one of Malaysia's major celebration, the "HARI DEEPAVALI" falls on 17 October 2009, which is on a Saturday.
I know most who do not work on the Saturday mourns the loss a holiday but no matter, the celebration still go wild on the weekends. At 12.00am Friday night, the fireworks was released non-stop for several hours. Well, I know I will lose my beauty sleep so why don't I join in to the celebrations as well by hanging out in my porch and wishing my neighbours a Happy Deepavali.

Just for your information, Deepavali is commonly known as the Festival of Lights, the celebration of Deepavali (or Diwali) marks the triumph of good over evil, the victory of light over dark.

For Malaysians and Singaporeans, 'Open houses' are held where Hindus welcome fellow family and friends of different races and religions to their house for a scrumptious meal. This is a practice unique to us and shows the goodwill and friendly ties practised by all during any festive occasion.
As such, Mr. Arjan held an open house on 17 October 2009 at his house in Singapore.

Everyone from Labquip Group was invited along with their spouses, partners and family.

Here are some pictures of what they did on that day,

Lastly, we would like to wish a Happy Belated Deepavali to everyone.

Lots of love from everyone from LABQUIP.